A Dependent Nominal Physical Type System for Static Analysis of Memory in Low Level Code

When you program in C, it is easy to make programming mistakes that directly compromise spatial memory safety, such as null pointer dereferences, type confusion, or buffer overflows. These direct memory corruption errors are a subclass of undefined behaviors in C, i.e., programming mistakes that you should not make, such as division by zero, signed integer overflow, or breaking the C strict aliasing rules. The compiler assumes that you do not make these mistakes, which are not checked, meaning that if you do make them, your program may crash, corrupt memory, or exhibit other unpredictable behaviors. Moreover, these mistakes can be exploited by an attacker to take control of your program, and this represents both the most common and the most severe kind of security vulnerabilities.
Thus, it is important to ensure that your program is free from these undefined behaviors. Providing tools that do this practically is one of the main purposes behind the development of Codex, a sound static analyzer based on abstract interpretation. The paper focuses on particular method that can ensure spatial memory safety of C or binary programs almost automatically, requiring only a small amount of type annotations.
This example comes from our tutorial, and extracted from an OS code that we have analyzed.
Suppose that we are given a function in a library described using the following header file:
// Linked list of messages, each containing a fixed-length buffer
struct message {
struct message *next;
char *buffer;
// Wrapper around the linked list, specifies the length of all buffers
struct message_box {
int length;
struct message *first;
void zeros_buffer(struct message_box* box);
An example of a memory layout that would fit this description is the following one:
In the image, we assumed that message
is a singly-linked list, and that the char *
pointer points to a single char.
Now, we want to verify that the implementation of zeros_buffer
, a function that sets all the buffers in the message_box
to zero, is memory-safe.
void zeros_buffer(struct message_box *box) {
struct message * first = box->first;
struct message * current = first;
int length = box->length;
do {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
current->buffer[i] = 0 ;
current = current->next;
} while(current != first) ;
Note that this function is memory-safe only if the box
parameter follows some invariants, in particular:
- Each
points to abuffer
whose size corresponds tobox->length
. - The list of
s is circular (the code never tests thenext
field to see if it can be a null pointer)
So, if we try to analyze this code as is, Codex will correctly report that the code is not memory safe. Indeed, a main feature of Codex is that the analysis is sound: if there is a spatial memory safety issue, it should report it.
Luckily, it is easy to express the required invariants in our type system. It suffices to copy the header file, and edit it as follows:
struct message(len) {
struct message(len)+ next;
char[len]+ buffer;
∃ mlen:integer with self > 0.
struct message_box {
(integer with self = mlen) length;
struct message(mlen)+ first;
void zeros_buffer(struct message_box+ box);
Here, the +
for the pointer types (instead of the *
) indicates that the corresponding pointer is never null. The struct message
type now receives a len
parameter corresponding to the length of the buffer
that it contains. Finally, the struct message_box
type is modified to include an invariant between the length
field and the len
parameter of the message (i.e., the length of the buffers).
A possible layout for this description is the following one:
Now, this updated header file is not for the C compiler, but is used by our Codex tool, that can now verify that zeros_buffer
is memory-safe (as it does not report any alarm) automatically. Note that this proof relies on the hypothesis that the box
argument of zeros_buffer
correspond to the memory layout described by the types. This assumption is checked in any analyzed function that would call zeros_buffer
. Thus, if you verify all the functions in a program, we prove it memory-safe.
Finally, this verification of zeros_buffer
can be made not only on the C source code, but also on the compiled machine code, i.e. Codex can perform type-checking of both C and machine code automatically!
Key contributions and take-away
One of the main challenges when analyzing C programs is the representation of the memory. The paper proposes a type system, inspired by that of C, as the basis for this abstraction. While initial versions of this type system have been proposed in VMCAI’22 and used in RTAS’21, this paper extends it significantly with new features like support for union, parameterized, and existential types. The paper shows how to combine all these features to encode many complex low-level idioms, such as flexible array members or discriminated unions using a memory tag or bit-stealing. This makes it possible to apply Codex to challenging case studies, such as the unmodified Olden benchmark, or parts of OS kernels or the Emacs Lisp runtime.
The reasons why a C or machine code program is memory-safe generally depend on invariants on the values, such as “this pointer points to a memory area whose length corresponds to the contents of this integer”. Thus, a type system that can be used to guarantee memory safety must use dependent types. This makes type checking particularly complex, which is why we use abstract interpretation to type-check the program. Abstract interpretation also allows automatic inference of other kinds of program invariants (beyond those expressed by the type system), that helps the overall analysis to type-check the program and verify its spatial memory safety.
Often, static analyzers are whole-program, meaning that they need to know the entire program to perform the analysis. This is useful when using the analyzer for validation, but prevents the use of the analyzer while developing. One of the nice benefits of the type system is that it allows modular analysis, using the types of the function prototype rather than using the code in the function definition.
Finally, we investigate properties of our type system. Contrary to type systems like Rust’s, our type system is structural: we don’t track all the references to an object, which eases analysis automation. Such a type system is particularly convenient when there are complicated sharing patterns and no issues of temporal memory safety, as found in statically-allocated OS kernels or garbage-collected programs. We investigate the properties of our type system and have discovered interesting features like the mild update, allowing switching between the cases in a union provided that some monotonicity conditions are met.
Further information
If you want to know more, the slides should be quite accessible.
Interested in using it? Be an early adopter, check the tutorial and try proving that your code is (spatially) memory-safe now!
Interested in the theory? Read the paper.
You can check the artifact, which contains the version of Codex used by the artifact reviewers, as well as the benchmarks used.
Appeared at OOPSLA’2024.