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Patricia Tree API - WithForeign

Operation with maps/set of different types. Map2 must use the same KEY.to_int function.


module Map2 : BASE_MAP with type 'a key = 'a key


type ('map1, 'map2) polyinter_foreign = {
  1. f : 'a. 'a key -> ('a, 'map1) value -> ('a, 'map2) Map2.value -> ('a, 'map1) value;
val nonidempotent_inter : ('a, 'b) polyinter_foreign -> 'a t -> 'b Map2.t -> 'a t

Like BASE_MAP.idempotent_inter. Tries to preserve physical equality on the first argument when possible.

type ('map2, 'map1) polyfilter_map_foreign = {
  1. f : 'a. 'a key -> ('a, 'map2) Map2.value -> ('a, 'map1) value option;
val filter_map_no_share : ('map2, 'map1) polyfilter_map_foreign -> 'map2 Map2.t -> 'map1 t

Like BASE_MAP.filter_map_no_share, but allows to transform a foreigh map into the current one.

type ('map1, 'map2) polyupdate_multiple = {
  1. f : 'a. 'a key -> ('a, 'map1) value option -> ('a, 'map2) Map2.value -> ('a, 'map1) value option;
val update_multiple_from_foreign : 'b Map2.t -> ('a, 'b) polyupdate_multiple -> 'a t -> 'a t

This is equivalent to multiple calls to update, but more efficient. update_multiple_from_foreign m_from f m_to is the same as calling update k {f=fun v_to -> f.f k v_to v_from} m_to on all bindings (k, v_from) of m_from, i.e. update_multiple_from_foreign m_from f m_to calls f.f on every key of m_from, says if the corresponding value also exists in m_to, and adds or remove the element in m_to depending on the value of f.f. f.f is called in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int. O(size(m_from) + size(m_to)) complexity.

type ('map1, 'map2) polyupdate_multiple_inter = {
  1. f : 'a. 'a key -> ('a, 'map1) value -> ('a, 'map2) Map2.value -> ('a, 'map1) value option;
val update_multiple_from_inter_with_foreign : 'b Map2.t -> ('a, 'b) polyupdate_multiple_inter -> 'a t -> 'a t

update_multiple_from_inter_with_foreign m_from f m_to is the same as update_multiple_from_foreign, except that instead of updating for all keys in m_from, it only updates for keys that are both in m_from and m_to.

type ('map1, 'map2) polydifference = ('map1, 'map2) polyupdate_multiple_inter
val difference : ('a, 'b) polydifference -> 'a t -> 'b Map2.t -> 'a t

difference f map1 map2 returns the map containing the bindings of map1 that aren't in map2. For keys present in both maps but with different values, f.f is called. If it returns Some v, then binding k,v is kept, else k is dropped.

f.f is called in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int.

This is the same as BASE_MAP.difference but allows the second map to be of a different type.

  • since 0.11.0